The world is always in need of more AI apps made for fun and mild monetary means, and SwapSurprise delivers on jovialness and fair monetization practices. This site is a Face Swap tool with a very loose and fun-oriented design. Instead of being presented with a boring old page and a box to drop off your image for face swap, on SwapSurprise, you are presented with a gift pack and hundreds of AI-generated images to play around with. You may not find anything here that will help you build a content empire, but you are bound to have a lot of fun and sweet evenings once you figure out the few short items that you can work with. Let's relax and see what's inside!
Face Swapping Technology
When it comes to swapping faces, the site doesn't go very deep beyond the surface. You can create an account or use the website without it. You will have to upload an image featuring only yourself or your friend, and for best results, it's recommended that you choose one where the whole face is showing, hair is swept aside, and you don't wear glasses. We tried it out with poor lighting and an SD camera, and the AI was still able to recognize our likeness and integrate it into one of the base photos without issues, even going so far as to adjust the range of our head based on the image we chose. You really don't have to do anything to have it work!
The Main Game
Aside from taking a photo, uploading it, and waiting, there is little else for you to do. SwapSurprise lists a massive collection of AI images that the site owns, and you can choose from the collection whichever you like. Some are themed after space suits, some show off aged and graceful characters, and some have beautiful backgrounds. Whatever the case, you can filter through the collection and choose one you like, or you can let the AI choose for you. After that, you will see your likeness in the image, and you can choose to download the image or have it shared through social media. You can also choose to reroll the integration if you don't like what came out.
Freemium Status
You don't need to register to use the site, and all that means is that the photos you choose to upload or generate will be kept in temporary memory for 30 days unless you choose to delete them. Making an account is free, and it extends that memory to ninety days instead. As a user without an account, you get five Face Swap images, while making an account increases that to eight. Making an image this way leaves a watermark on the front, and it doesn't grant you the right to use it commercially. You will also be limited only to AI images with "free" marked on them, while the ones with a yellow star require that you pay for a pack.
About Your Face
Giving out faces to sites can be a tricky thing to do as you never know what they will do with it. Fortunately, SwapSurprise has taken great care to ensure your privacy. Images that you upload or create will never be used in site promotions, commercially, in redistribution, or sold to third parties. Your data is safe with them, and no matter how many images you upload, you retain ownership and license over them. The only part where the site does collect information is what they need to provide their services and process your payments. All of the collected data is never shared with third parties, no matter what job they have been tasked to do for the team.
About AI Images
You are using hundreds of premade AI images for your Face Swapping bases. SwapSurprise retains the license and ownership of these images. When you do buy one of these images, you gain access to a perpetual, non-exclusive license (not ownership) of the AI-generated image to use for private reasons like fun with friends or for commercial usage. Purchased images have no watermarks on them, which drastically cleans up the space on the image. This applies to all images, even if you could use them for free. You can gain the right to legal reproduction by buying one of the packs, which will provide you with a small set of HD images without a license for your enjoyment. It might sound complicated, but it's easier than it appears!
Your Prices
If you wish to have access to more Face Swaps or if you want photos without watermarks and access to the full AI-mage collection, then you will need to invest in one of the three packs that the app offers. These packs are not recurring subscriptions but one-time purchases that will last you a year with all of the benefits and Face Swap attempts as listed. The site directly processes the purchase through your credit card or with the support of GooglePay and ShopPay. The Mini Pack is $5.36 and gives you 80 saps with 5 HD downloads without watermarks. Miidi is $9.83 with 300 swaps and 20 HD downloads, and lastly, the Maxi is $20.55 for 1000 swaps and 50 HD downloads.
Our Warm Feelings
Sometimes, an AI app manages to land all of the good notes that leave us happy, and SwapSurprise has managed to do just that. Not only does it respect the privacy of its users, but it also doesn't force recurring subscriptions or cross-sales. The features involved with the Face Swap tool are not many, and you don't get to influence the final results beyond choosing a base, but the process is very fun, and it still leaves you room to use the products in commercial ways if you choose to buy one of the packs. The data retention is fair, and you can always delete anything you have uploaded or generated. SwapSurprise is a great place for casual use!